Finding the Top K Frequent Elements in Go: Iterative Approach

In the landscape of algorithmic challenges, identifying the most frequent elements within a dataset is a common task that tests a programmer's ability to manage data efficiently. This article delves into a Go (Golang) implementation of the Top K Frequent Elements problem, exploring both its methodology and underlying complexities. We'll walk through the provided code, understand its logic, and analyze its performance.

Problem Statement


  • An integer array nums.
  • An integer k.

Objective: Return the k most frequent elements in nums. The answer can be returned in any order.


  • You may assume that k is always valid, i.e., 1 ≤ k ≤ the number of unique elements in nums.
  • The algorithm should have a time complexity better than O(n log n) where n is the size of the array.


  1. Example 1:

    • Input: nums = [1,1,1,2,2,3], k = 2
    • Output: [1,2]
    • Explanation: 1 appears three times and 2 appears twice. They are the two most frequent elements.
  2. Example 2:

    • Input: nums = [1], k = 1
    • Output: [1]

Code Overview

package leetcode

// Given an integer array nums and an integer k, return the k most frequent
// elements. You may return the answer in any order.

// Example 1:

// Input: nums = [1,1,1,2,2,3], k = 2
// Output: [1,2]
// Example 2:

// Input: nums = [1], k = 1
// Output: [1]

func topKFrequent(nums []int, K int) []int {
    // create int with the list of the K values
    KList := make([]int, K)
    // mapping with number as key and count frequency
    freqMap := make(map[int]int)
    // first pass through the values and fill the map
    for _, num := range nums {
    // update the bucket of values for K
    for i := range K {
        var (
            maxFreqFound      int
            maxCandidateFound int
        for num, freq := range freqMap {
            // is freq gt max freq found
            if freq > maxFreqFound {
                // found candidate number
                maxCandidateFound = num
                // register the current max freq found
                maxFreqFound = freq
        // update the K list result
        KList[i] = maxCandidateFound
        // remove the value found from map
        delete(freqMap, maxCandidateFound)
    return KList

How It Works

The provided Go function topKFrequent aims to identify the k most frequent elements in the nums array. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of its logic:

  1. Initialization:

    • KList: A slice of integers with a length of K is created to store the top k frequent elements.
    • freqMap: A map is initialized to keep track of the frequency of each element in nums. The keys are the elements from nums, and the values are their corresponding counts.
  2. Frequency Counting:

    • The function iterates over each number in nums, incrementing its count in freqMap. After this loop, freqMap contains the frequency of every unique element in nums.
  3. Identifying Top K Elements:

    • The function enters a loop that runs K times, intending to find the top k frequent elements.
    • Within Each Iteration:
      • It initializes two variables: maxFreqFound to keep track of the highest frequency found in the current iteration, and maxCandidateFound to store the element with this highest frequency.
      • It iterates over freqMap, comparing each element's frequency to maxFreqFound. If a higher frequency is found, it updates both maxFreqFound and maxCandidateFound.
      • After traversing the entire freqMap, maxCandidateFound holds the element with the highest remaining frequency.
      • This element is added to KList, and its entry is removed from freqMap to prevent it from being considered in subsequent iterations.
  4. Result:

    • After K iterations, KList contains the top k frequent elements, which the function returns.

Example Walkthrough

Let's walk through Example 1 to understand how the function operates:

  • Input:

    • nums = [1,1,1,2,2,3]
    • k = 2
  • Process:

    1. Frequency Counting:

      • After the first loop, freqMap becomes:
            1: 3,
            2: 2,
            3: 1
    2. First Iteration (i=0):

      • Initialize maxFreqFound = 0, maxCandidateFound = 0.
      • Iterate over freqMap:
        • num=1, freq=3: Since 3 > 0, update maxFreqFound = 3, maxCandidateFound = 1.
        • num=2, freq=2: 2 < 3, no change.
        • num=3, freq=1: 1 < 3, no change.
      • Add 1 to KList[0] and remove 1 from freqMap.
      • KList now: [1, 0]
      • freqMap now:
            2: 2,
            3: 1
    3. Second Iteration (i=1):

      • Initialize maxFreqFound = 0, maxCandidateFound = 0.
      • Iterate over freqMap:
        • num=2, freq=2: Since 2 > 0, update maxFreqFound = 2, maxCandidateFound = 2.
        • num=3, freq=1: 1 < 2, no change.
      • Add 2 to KList[1] and remove 2 from freqMap.
      • KList now: [1, 2]
      • freqMap now:
            3: 1
    4. Result:

      • The function returns [1, 2] as the two most frequent elements.

Time and Space Complexity

Analyzing the performance of the topKFrequent function provides insights into its efficiency and scalability.

Time Complexity

  1. Frequency Counting:

    • Iterating over nums to build freqMap takes O(n) time, where n is the number of elements in nums.
  2. Identifying Top K Elements:

    • For each of the k iterations:
      • The inner loop traverses the freqMap, which initially has up to n unique elements but decreases as elements are removed.
      • In the worst case, each inner loop iteration takes O(n) time.
    • Thus, the overall time complexity for this part is O(k * n).
  3. Total Time Complexity:

    • Combining both parts, the total time complexity is O(n + k * n).
    • In scenarios where k is small relative to n, this approximates to O(n).
    • However, in the worst-case scenario where k is proportional to n, the time complexity becomes O(n²).

Space Complexity

  1. Frequency Map:

    • The freqMap stores up to n unique elements, resulting in O(n) space.
  2. Result List:

    • KList stores k elements, contributing O(k) space.
  3. Total Space Complexity:

    • The overall space complexity is O(n + k).
    • Since k is typically much smaller than n, this is effectively O(n).

Potential Improvements

While the provided implementation is straightforward, there are more efficient approaches to solving the Top K Frequent Elements problem, especially for large datasets.

  1. Heap-Based Approach:

    • Utilize a min-heap of size k to keep track of the top k elements.
    • Time Complexity: O(n log k)
    • Space Complexity: O(n)
  2. Bucket Sort:

    • Create buckets where the index represents the frequency, and each bucket contains elements with that frequency.
    • Iterate through the buckets in reverse order to gather the top k elements.
    • Time Complexity: O(n)
    • Space Complexity: O(n)
  3. Optimizing Current Implementation:

    • Replace the inner loop that finds the maximum frequency with a more efficient search mechanism.
    • Avoid removing elements from freqMap, which can be costly.

Implementing one of these optimized approaches can significantly reduce the time complexity, especially when dealing with large input sizes and values of k.


The topKFrequent function offers a clear and intuitive method for identifying the most frequent elements within an integer array using Go's powerful data structures. By leveraging maps to count frequencies and iteratively extracting the top k elements, the function accomplishes its goal effectively for smaller datasets.

However, for scalability and performance optimization, especially with larger datasets, exploring heap-based or bucket sort methodologies is advisable. These alternatives provide enhanced time complexities and can handle more extensive and varied input sizes with greater efficiency.

Understanding both the strengths and limitations of the provided approach equips developers with the knowledge to choose the most appropriate algorithm based on the specific requirements and constraints of their projects.